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Join our study!

Children's Needle Study

We are helping parents to give their child that Superhero feeling at their Covid-19 shots!

We are recruiting families (parent + child) for a study about how children aged 5 to 11 experience their COVID-19 vaccinations*.

In the study you will:


  • Learn evidence-based strategies for pain management

  • Fill out short questionnaires about you and your child

  • Ask your child about their vaccination experience

  • Participate in a brief telephone interview

  • Receive $40 in gift cards as a thank you for your commitment


For more information or to participate, please send your name and phone number to with subject 'CN Study'.

*Note: Participants must enroll in the study prior to child's first COVID-19 vaccination

This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Health Research Board (REB21-1997)

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Pain is real. Change the conversation.

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We're always excited to connect about our research, opportunities for training, collaboration, and outreach. Get in touch using the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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PEAK Champions for Kids' Pain  |  Alberta Children's Hospital 2888 Shaganappi Trail NW Calgary, AB, T3B 6A8

2021 Peak Research Lab - PEAK Champions for Kids' Pain 

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