Join our study!
Children's Needle Study
We are helping parents to give their child that Superhero feeling at their Covid-19 shots!
We are recruiting families (parent + child) for a study about how children aged 5 to 11 experience their COVID-19 vaccinations*.
In the study you will:
Learn evidence-based strategies for pain management
Fill out short questionnaires about you and your child
Ask your child about their vaccination experience
Participate in a brief telephone interview
Receive $40 in gift cards as a thank you for your commitment

For more information or to participate, please send your name and phone number to abcpainlab@ucalgary.ca with subject 'CN Study'.
*Note: Participants must enroll in the study prior to child's first COVID-19 vaccination
This study has been approved by the University of Calgary Conjoint Health Research Board (REB21-1997)

Pain is real. Change the conversation.